Submission #6445476

Source Code Expand

-- modules to import --

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8
import qualified Data.Maybe
import           Prelude

-- functions for this task --

tuplify2 (x:y:_) = (x,y)
tuplify2 _       = Prelude.undefined

read_Integer      = Prelude.fst . Data.Maybe.fromJust . Data.ByteString.Char8.readInteger
read_TupleInteger = tuplify2 . read_Integer . Data.ByteString.Char8.words

get_Integer      = read_Integer      <$> Data.ByteString.Char8.getLine
get_TupleInteger = read_TupleInteger <$> Data.ByteString.Char8.getLine

task_A :: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer
task_A (x, y)
        | x > y             = x
        | Prelude.otherwise = y

-- the main process is as follows --

main :: IO ()
main = do

        -- STEP.01
        -- read out the given data
        given_data <- get_TupleInteger

        -- STEP.02
        -- calculate & output the answer of this task
        Prelude.print $ task_A $ given_data

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task A - 正直者
User DSCF_1224
Language Haskell (GHC 7.10.3)
Score 100
Code Size 957 Byte
Status AC
Exec Time 2 ms
Memory 380 KB

Judge Result

Set Name all
Score / Max Score 100 / 100
AC × 27
Set Name Test Cases
all 00_sample_01.txt, 00_sample_02.txt, kensho_diff01, kensho_diff02, kensho_diff03, kensho_diff04, kensho_diff05, kensho_min-max01, kensho_min-max02, kensho_min-max03, kensho_min-max04, kensho_min-max05, kensho_min-max06, kensho_min-max07, kensho_min-max08, kensho_min-max09, kensho_min-max10, kensho_rand01, kensho_rand02, kensho_rand03, kensho_rand04, kensho_rand05, kensho_rand06, kensho_rand07, kensho_rand08, kensho_rand09, kensho_rand10
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
00_sample_01.txt AC 2 ms 380 KB
00_sample_02.txt AC 2 ms 380 KB
kensho_diff01 AC 2 ms 380 KB
kensho_diff02 AC 2 ms 380 KB
kensho_diff03 AC 2 ms 380 KB
kensho_diff04 AC 2 ms 380 KB
kensho_diff05 AC 2 ms 380 KB
kensho_min-max01 AC 2 ms 380 KB
kensho_min-max02 AC 2 ms 380 KB
kensho_min-max03 AC 2 ms 380 KB
kensho_min-max04 AC 2 ms 380 KB
kensho_min-max05 AC 2 ms 380 KB
kensho_min-max06 AC 2 ms 380 KB
kensho_min-max07 AC 2 ms 380 KB
kensho_min-max08 AC 2 ms 380 KB
kensho_min-max09 AC 2 ms 380 KB
kensho_min-max10 AC 2 ms 380 KB
kensho_rand01 AC 2 ms 380 KB
kensho_rand02 AC 2 ms 380 KB
kensho_rand03 AC 2 ms 380 KB
kensho_rand04 AC 2 ms 380 KB
kensho_rand05 AC 2 ms 380 KB
kensho_rand06 AC 2 ms 380 KB
kensho_rand07 AC 2 ms 380 KB
kensho_rand08 AC 2 ms 380 KB
kensho_rand09 AC 2 ms 380 KB
kensho_rand10 AC 2 ms 380 KB